Becoming “Lean” in the healthcare industry
Is our healthcare system broken?If you were to describe the healthcare industry in the United States to an extraterrestrial, you might start by explaining it is a complex, heavily managed system with a significant private insurance component alongside public programs like Medicare and Medicaid. The result is a mixed bag, encompassing hospitals, pharmaceuticals, clinics, and…
Why Documenting Processes and Procedures Help Steer Your Team
Documenting a key process or procedure requires dedication, discipline and the right skillset. But it helps your customers, your workforce and your bottom-line results.
Evaluating Impact vs Effort
Suppose your team brainstorms many good potential solutions to address a particular problem area. But now, you must decide which of these ideas will drive the biggest bang for the buck. You could simply go after the easier tasks first, believing this will drive “quick winsâ€. That may be a good approach, but what if…
Benchmarking Your Demand Management
Demand Management is a pivotal part of S&OP and Integrated Business Management. It crosses functions, integrates processes, and relies on data and tools to drive analytics, making it quite complex. Given the importance and challenges of Demand Management, it is critical that organizations embrace a Continuous Improvement mindset towards the competency. And the first step…
Benchmarking: A Key Tool in Your Arsenal
Professional sports teams do it. Heads of industry do it. Even governments do it. We’re talking about benchmarking, or the practice of comparing your performance against similar peers and competitors to gauge where you need to improve. As Peter Drucker said, “Being at least as good as the leader is a prerequisite to being competitive”.…
Demand Management: A Team Effort
When done well, Demand Management can drive the integration of the cross-functional team. The Demand Planner should be at the hub of this cross-functional powerhouse, enabling and facilitating: Check out our webinar Demand Management: A Team Effort to learn more.
A Story of Unintended Consequences
Many years ago, I came across an interesting story about a plant manager who was fed up with the extremely high turnover at a factory on the border of the United States with Mexico. “I’ve had enough!”, he proclaimed against his staff’s advice, “We’ll just raise wages to be the highest in the area.” The…
Transfer of Work
Transfer of Work, or TOW, involves the movement of all products, people, materials and associated activities from one site to another. These are often manufacturing operations but can also involve service processes. When a TOW is not properly managed it can negatively impact customer service, quality, and profitability. In our recent webinar, Fidel Kandell reveals 6 groundrules for ensuring a successful…
Strategy and Change Management go Hand-in-Hand!
As you hone your strategies to transform, address each of the six change ingredients to capture valueas rapidly as possible. Learn more by viewing our Change Management Webinar or continue reading! Now is the time of year when many organizations start talking strategy. Where will we grow and whatproducts, people and services do we need?…
The Power of the Elevator Speech
The Elevator Speech is a short communication moment that can be designed to deliver a key message to someone who wants to know more about your work. Whether you are introducing yourself or selling an idea, be prepared with your Elevator Speech. In our free course on the importance of developing an elevator speech, learn…