A diagram showing the different types of work toll gates.

A Systematic Approach for Transferring Work

By OpExecs | December 1, 2022

Transferring work from one site, business, or function to another can be challenging. With transfers, you can face a litany of financial, human resource, intellectual property, and operational issues. The good news is that there is a systematic approach for transferring work that can help you to ensure success. Learn how to transfer work successfully…

4 elements of demand management.

Demand Management for B2B

By OpExecs | September 15, 2022

Demand Management is critical for businesses that supply goods and services to other businesses. It’s important to note that it goes beyond planning demand. In fact, there are four elements that make up Demand Management in a B2B environment. As a business matures in the journey towards excellence in Demand Management, more and more of…

people discuss about graphs and rates

Demand Management is More Critical Than Ever

By OpExecs | July 1, 2022

It seems like everywhere we look, supply can’t keep up with demand. So why bother building an unconstrained demand forecast when the supply organization has no hope of meeting that demand? Shouldn’t we spend our time and attention on getting the supply chain right rather than bothering with the demand plan now? If your organization…

A diagram showing the stages of a plant's growth.

Transforming Your Team’s Culture

By OpExecs | April 29, 2022

Tune in to this OpExecs webinar to listen to Joe Gopi, Director of Manufacturing for Sumitomo Drive Technologies and Susan Beauchamp as they share their experience with accomplishing culture change through team-based approaches. Project professionals agree – a team that is primed to question status quo and embrace innovation provides the most fertile ground for…

A news article with different topics and photos

OpExecs Highlighted in the Chadds Ford Junction Magazine

By OpExecs | July 12, 2021

We were recently interviewed as a local small business offering optimization support to businesses and government organizations of all shapes and sizes. Download here to read.

A green chalkboard with the words innovate, effective, creative, communicative.

What is a KAIZEN event and how do you plan a VIRTUAL one?

By OpExecs | January 26, 2021

Originally used by Toyota as part of the Toyota Production System, the Kaizen approach is used to engage front-line employees and solicit their ideas to drive change which will stick. The Kaizen Process enables ‘change for the better’ The term “Kaizen” is another way to describe continuous improvement or change for the better.  As an…

cashier in store

Lean Six Sigma Goes Well Beyond Manufacturing

By OpExecs | May 22, 2020

Why has the DMAIC approach found success in so many organizations and with all types of people and challenges? What does it mean for your industry and customers? As an industry executive and college professor, I have had the privilege of teaching thousands of people across a multitude of industries how to accomplish real positive…

A woman is giving a presentation to a group of people in a conference room.

New College Business & Engineering Grads Benefit From Learning Lean Six Sigma

By OpExecs | May 22, 2020

Hiring managers are looking for people who can transition quickly from the university to the working environment. Lean Six Sigma Project management bridges from textbook to workforce. Young engineers and technical leaders who can hit the ground running with knowledge of project management, problem-solving and facilitation skills will rapidly distinguish themselves from their peers.  Lean…

A woman's hand is pointing at a map of the world.

The World is Flat

By OpExecs | May 22, 2020

Or at least is seems that way when you need to optimize locations and layout to drive customer satisfaction. Are you leaking money to service customers and markets? Have you wondered how retail stores have what you need regardless of how obscure it may be.  A Fortune 100 company learned a valuable lesson when it…

A man is holding a sign that says samsung service center.

Potential Pitfalls of Shifting to Shared Services

By OpExecs | May 22, 2020

Have you experienced or heard of shared service consolidation failures?  Shared Services is a concept that is easy to throw around but can be difficult to execute.  Many of us have participated in a board room session to draw up a plan to share services among locations only to see it take longer to execute…